Milton Mavericks Field Lacrosse Programs
Milton Mavericks Lacrosse hosts two (2) Field Seasons each year: Spring and Fall.
Our field programs are "rep" programs. All players are required to attend try-outs.
Spring Season runs between March and May with practices starting in March and games taking place on weekends during April and May. The season finishes with provincials weekend championships.
The Fall Season is a 4-week season starting in September and finishing around Thanksgiving in October.

The field
Our Field Lacrosse Teams
U9 Andrew Burke
U11 Daryl Brinke
U13 Caleb Dredge
U15 Albert Rehanek
U17 Steffen Stride
All participants must pay the $20 tryout fee.
March 1, 2025
Times to be announced
Field tryouts will be hosted at Invader Sportsplex in Mississauga:
6765 Invader Crescent
Mississauga, ON
L5T 2B7